Tag Archives | mission

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Memories and Moments

Thinking about our trip to the Congo brings up all kinds of memories. Traffic. Massive traffic. People walking in the road and just crossing the street wherever they feel like it.  And these are main roads, 4 lanes full of traffic. Cars and trucks finding a break in the traffic floor it and take off. […]

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Onesies, Crayons and SHOES!

Onesies, Crayons and SHOES! With our surgical days complete the rhythm of the trip changes.  We started our day with physical therapy with our patients, walking with them around the floor, doing exercises and chatting and smiling with them. At the same time the warehouse team and other WOGO team members work together packing materials […]

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Our second day of surgery dawned and team was ready to dive in. Arriving at the hospital, eager to work we were dismayed to find out that the Autoclave had failed due to the fluctuating electrical current in the Congo. There was the potential that all of the scheduled surgeries wouldn’t happen. Hospital staff and […]

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Our next medical mission is to The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Africa’s third-largest country. The country has long fascinated me, since reading Joseph Conrad’s “The Heart of Darkness’. I was left with a feeling of mystery and a hidden world that I, a high school kid in New Jersey, would never see. Now, […]

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100 Days!

Today marks 100 days until the WOGO team begins departures for Democratic Republic of Congo for our medical mission in Kinshasa at the Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital. Planning is underway  – booking hotels, dinners, transportation, outreach programs and all of the logistics required to keep a team of 50 moving and working. Team members are […]

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Dikembe Mutombo and his wife Rose pose with the WOGO Pre-Trip team in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Mission Update – D.R.C

Mission Update – Press Announcement Wednesday, January 27, 2016 for immediate Release WOGO Team Medical Mission to Congo with Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Scheduled Mt Airy, NC January 27, 2016 – Women Orthopaedist Global Outreach (www.WOGO.org) announced the location of their next medical mission in June 2015. The team will be traveling with the Dikembe Mutombo […]

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The Holidays in the D.R.C.

Each year we take a look at how the holiday season is celebrated in an upcoming medical mission country. And every year we learn something new. Traditions and celebrations are so interesting to learn about! In the Democratic Republic of the Congo Christmas is celebrated as a religious festival without the commercialization and with very […]

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A Season of Giving

#‎GivingTuesday is just 2 weeks away! #GivingTuesday is a day for people to give back to their favorite causes. Now in its fourth year, #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Observed on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events […]

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generosity n.

generosity noun gen·er·os·i·ty \ˌje-nə-ˈrä-sə-tē\ 1:  willingness to give or to share <He shows generosity to those in need.> 2:  an act of unselfish giving <Her generosity was appreciated.> (Merriam Webster Dictionary) Sometimes the day-to-day work, and the excitement of planning and executing get in the way of reflection. WOGO has been incorporated since 2009 and […]

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Dikembe Mutombo blocks a shot at the DMF Basketball clinic in Kinshasa

There I was Deep in the Congo …

Pre-Trips are grueling, often including 20+ hours of travel, (each way) and 2 ½ days in country. Pre-Trips are also inspiring. The Congo was no different. We traveled for more than 20 hours first flying to European cities on the first leg of our trip. Then, after a short layover we boarded a flight to […]

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