Archive | Tanzania


WOGO is seeking applicants for our Medical Mission Scholarship

Roanoke, Virginia – April 1, 2024 – WOGO is seeking applicants for our Medical Mission Scholarships. THANK YOU to all who applied. The Scholarship Opportunity is now closed.   Application is open to Medical Students and/or Orthopedic Residents wishing to participate in our upcoming medical mission to Tanzania in February 2025. The Tanzania medical mission […]

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Map showing location of Tanzania

NEWS: WOGO Team Sets Next Medical Mission

Roanoke, Virginia – January 11, 2024 – Women Orthopaedist Global Outreach (WOGO) announces the location of their next medical mission. In 2025, the team will return to Arusha, Tanzania to work at the Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre (ALMC) hospital. Dr. Robyn Hakanson, WOGO surgeon and founding member stated, “We are so delighted with the work […]

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Tiffany Turner of Soles 4 Souls fits a child with new shoes during our 2018 trip in Havana, Cuba. This was WOGO and Soles 4 Souls 4th trip together.

Reaching out Beyond the Hospitals

Our mission carries further than our work to complete joint replacement surgeries in developing countries. We want to empower, educate and engage women and their larger communities. Empower–WOGO provides free life-altering orthopaedic surgery that eliminates debilitating arthritis and restores disabled joints so that patients can reclaim their ability to care for themselves, their families and […]

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generosity n.

generosity noun gen·er·os·i·ty \ˌje-nə-ˈrä-sə-tē\ 1:  willingness to give or to share <He shows generosity to those in need.> 2:  an act of unselfish giving <Her generosity was appreciated.> (Merriam Webster Dictionary) Sometimes the day-to-day work, and the excitement of planning and executing get in the way of reflection. WOGO has been incorporated since 2009 and […]

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Hugs! Shoes! Smiles! Hugs!

This morning we visited with our patients for last goodbyes. We really will miss their smiles and hugs. Boy were they generous with them. Smiles and hugs all around. It is always so touching and bittersweet to leave our patients. We know that they are recovering well and we know that they are in excellent hands with the hospital […]

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What an Adventure!

We’ve been having a very busy week. We’ve operated on 32 patients, replacing 44 knee joints and we had 4 patients that only needed injections. That’s 36 patients in all – operated on in 3+ days – we are quite proud of those numbers! Led by our surgeons, the team presented an educational symposium for doctors, nurses […]

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