generosity noun gen·er·os·i·ty \ˌje-nə-ˈrä-sə-tē\ 1: willingness to give or to share <He shows generosity to those in need.> 2: an act of unselfish giving <Her generosity was appreciated.> (Merriam Webster Dictionary) Sometimes the day-to-day work, and the excitement of planning and executing get in the way of reflection. WOGO has been incorporated since 2009 and […]
Tag Archives | Orthopaedic

There I was Deep in the Congo …
Pre-Trips are grueling, often including 20+ hours of travel, (each way) and 2 ½ days in country. Pre-Trips are also inspiring. The Congo was no different. We traveled for more than 20 hours first flying to European cities on the first leg of our trip. Then, after a short layover we boarded a flight to […]