generosity n.


noun gen·er·os·i·ty \ˌje-nə-ˈrä-sə-tē\

1:  willingness to give or to share <He shows generosity to those in need.>

2:  an act of unselfish giving <Her generosity was appreciated.>

(Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Sometimes the day-to-day work, and the excitement of planning and executing get in the way of reflection. WOGO has been incorporated since 2009 and five years has passed since we embarked on our first medical mission to Kathmandu.

Each trip is a costly experience. We have held bake sales, wine tastings, fun runs, golf tournaments, and dinners. We’ve had our surgeons speaking at local volunteer groups and medical conferences. Grass-roots hard work which all of our volunteers have contributed to with generous time and spirit.

Over the past six years we’ve had support from so many places. Co-workers and businesses, the medical community and hospitals, family and friends, high school and college friends we haven’t heard from in years, new acquaintances met in restaurants and parks – the most generous individuals have joined our missions by giving money and materials and support.

The generosity we have received has been so very special. We work hard, and give back in all that we do. Thank you to everyone who supports us. Your support encourages us to continue to push towards our next medical mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2016. We will continue to make you proud to be a friend of WOGO.

Thank you.

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